СтопХам — Полицейский паркинг

Уважайте друг друга!
Этот проект о том, как донести эту простую (“парадоксальную”) мысль до всех участников дорожного движения, будь то водитель АМРа, “крутой чувак на заряженной тачке с блатными номерами” или обычный клерк, объезжающий пробку по тротуару.

Кончай — BDSMovies

Новый мультфильм студии BDSMovies…

Element of Chaos — The Butterfly Effect

The Element of Chaos was born in Rome in 2007.
After the first full lenght album «Utopia», published in 2013 they were spotted by the producer Gianmarco Bellumori from Agoge Records.
They’re currently recording the new album «A New Dawn» coming out worldwide in autumn 2014.

The Road Home — Young Vigilantes

Artist Biography: Four guys from Enschede with a hardcore attitude and a mainstream sound taking over the world step by step» is how swnk.org described The Road Home during an interview in April 2012 and it couldn’t have been said any better. After their formation in 2011 the four piece has steadily been making name for themselves, spreading their high voltage rock anthems like fire. 

Cry My Name — Alone and Right

Cry My Name kommen aus dem Herzen von Schleswig-Holstein (Rendsburg) direkt vom Nord-Ostsee-Kanal.
Musikalisch bewegt man sich zwischen Modern Hardcore und Metalcore. 

Феникс (F.N.X) — Барак, ты — мудак!

Очумелое видео от русских репперов… 

Pennywise — Violence Never Ending

If you think you know Pennywise, think again. Though the band has made a name for themselves over the past 26 years as a politically minded, melodic hardcore act who have sold millions of albums. They have become one of the most successful independent acts of all time, however they weren’t always this way. In fact the group got their start playing backyard parties in their hometown of Hermosa Beach, California, without having any aspirations other than playing as many songs as they could before the police showed up. This side of the band has never been captured until now and Yesterdays sees the band putting some of their nascent material in proper recorded form for the first time ever. 

Moron — Droga

Przed sobą iskrę widzę tą, zawsze na niebie blisko gdzieś.
Tymczasem jednak widzę, że tęsknota w moim sercu jest.
Tak, pragnę więcej i więcej!
Tak, by słowa częściej wprowadzać w czyn!
By zostawiony przez nas świat był czymś lepszym, niż teraz jest.
Opowiem Ci o czym marzę.
Chcę zbudować nowy dom,
gdzie fundamentem miłość jest,
zrozumienie ludzkich serc.
Tak, już dobrze wiem, że nie mylę się, nie zawiodę.
Znam ścieżkę pośród drzew, drogą będzie nam!
Znam skałę pośród fal, na nią wejdę i w Twoje oczy spojrzę!
Znam ścieżkę pośród drzew, drogą będzie nam, nie zabłądzę!

KuTstupid — Секрет Путина

Очередной мультфильм студии…

Shinebox — The Saddest Landscape

The band Shinebox was born in September 2007 from an idea of Filippo Marsili (drums), Igor Lorenzetti (lead vocal), Emanuel Di Pietro (guitar and backing vocals) and Pierpaolo Battaglia (bass).
An intense live activity of more than 50 concerts brings the band to share the stage with bands such as Meat For Dogs, Duff, Fuck Vegas, Forty Winks and De Crew.
The year 2008 marks the release of their first self-titled album: the 10 tracks, while maintaining an aggressive approach, open to melodic choruses and instrumental moments as they occur the technical capabilities of the group. The band was then engaged in a series of concerts to promote the new work and some tracks («Your empire of dirt» and «Swimming») have been available on Elevator Records in digital distribution.
The year 2011 has started touring of important news: the band signed to the English label Casket Music / Copro Records which will release the EP «The Day After» throughout the United Kingdom (UK).
In March the band released the first video directed by Beppe Platania for the single “The day after” and it is currently in rotation on Blank.tv and other important web tv.
The song «Why are you sleeping while you are alive» is present in the compilation THIS IS CORE vol. 2 together with bands like DUFRESNE, HOPES DIE LAST and IF I DIE TODAY.
During the summer, the band was involved in concerts around Italy, while in autumn, was the protagonist of a promotional tour of seven gigs in the UK.
The year 2012 begins with an intense live activity around the peninsula from north to south (Venice, Rome, Alessandria, Taranto), and plans for a new album, this time a full length.
In April, the band spent the Easter holidays recording 9 songs at SMELL HELL STUDIO in Rome, which has become known among fans of the genre for having given birth to the best works of the Roman scene and not only (TO KILL, CHASING PLANETS, LOCKED IN , BEDTIME FOR CHARLIE).
The band signed a contract with the label THIS IS CORE, working again with Beppe Platania.
During the summer of 2012, the family grew and David Rinaldini joined the band as a guitarist. With him the Shinebox release the video of the first single «REASON TO CARE» (directed by Beppe Platania and visible on Blank.tv) from the new album «INTO THE GREAT VOID» came out on September 11 for THIS IS CORE.
During the years 2012 and 2013, the band is involved in new shows in Italy and Europe.
Il progetto ShineBox nasce nel settembre del 2007 da un’ idea di Filippo Marsili (batteria), Igor Lorenzetti (voce), Emanuel Di Pietro (chitarra e seconda voce) e Pierpaolo Battaglia (basso). 
Provenienti da diverse formazioni della scena crossover- hc, la band inizia da subito a comporre pezzi propri riscuotendo un ottimo successo sia a livello locale che regionale. 
Un’ intensa attività dal vivo di oltre 50 concerti porta la band a dividere il palco con gruppi come Meat For Dogs, Duff, Fuck Vegas, Forty Winks e De Crew.
L’esperienza del live è vissuta dai quattro componenti con estrema intensità ed attitudine, un viaggio sonoro tra rabbia e melodia, passione e coraggio. 
Il 2008 segna l’uscita del primo omonimo disco autoprodotto: i 10 brani, pur mantenendo un approccio aggressivo, aprono a ritornelli melodici e a momenti strumentali in cui emergono le capacità tecniche del gruppo. La band è stata impegnata quindi in una serie di concerti per promuovere il nuovo lavoro e alcuni brani ( «Your empire of dirt» e «Swimming») sono stati disponibili su Elevator Records in distribuzione digitale.
Il 2011 si apre all’insegna di importanti novità: la band firma per l’etichetta inglese Casket Music / Copro Records che pubblicherà l’ EP «The day after» in tutto il Regno Unito (UK).
Il video dell’omonimo singolo, diretto da Beppe Platania, è attualmente in rotazione su Blank.tv e altre importanti web tv.
Il brano «Why are you sleeping while you are alive» è presente nella compilation THIS IS CORE vol. 2 insieme a band come DUFRESNE, HOPES DIE LAST e IF I DIE TODAY.
Durante l’estate la band è stata impegnata in concerti in giro per l’Italia mentre, in autunno, è stata protagonista di un tour promozionale in UK di 7 date.
Il 2012 inizia con un’intensa attività live in giro per la penisola da nord a sud (Venezia, Roma, Alessandria, Taranto) e il progetto di un nuovo disco, stavolta un full lenght.
In Aprile la band trascorre le vacanze pasquali registrando 9 pezzi all’ HELL SMELL STUDIO di Roma, divenuto ormai noto fra gli amanti del genere per aver dato alla luce i migliori lavori della scena romana e non solo ( TO KILL, CHASING PLANETS, LOCKED IN, BEDTIME FOR CHARLIE).
La band firma un contratto con l’etichetta THIS IS CORE, tornando così felicemente a lavorare con Beppe Platania.
Durante l’estate del 2012 la famiglia si allarga e David entra a far parte della band come chitarrista. Con lui gli ShineBox girano il video del primo singolo «REASON TO CARE» (diretto da Beppe Platania e in rotazione su Blank.tv) estratto dal nuovo disco «INTO THE GREAT VOID» in uscita l’ 11 Settembre per THIS IS CORE.
Alla fine del 2012 riprende un’intensa attività live in giro per la penisola e la band progetta un nuovo tour in Europa. 
Il 2013 è caratterizzato da una sfrenata attività live che culmina con l’apertura ai LINEA 77 all’ Afterlife club di Perugia, occasione resa possibile grazie al lavoro dell’ Afterlife booking & management che ha inserito la band nel proprio roster. Lo stesso anno esce il videoclip del secondo singolo estratto da Into the grat void, «Finding the right words».
Nel 2014 la band entra immediatamente all’ Hell Smell studio di Roma per registrare il nuovo EP «A quiet end» in uscita il 27 Marzo per THIS IS CORE. La promozione sarà accompagnata da un nuovo video e da numerose date in tutta Italia.